Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 3 Workforce Planning

Week 3 Workforce Planning

Q Reading 5.2 in your text speaks to how one large company implemented a workforce planning and design process to move to a human capital perspective on strategic human resource management. What lessons can one draw from this process, and how does it compare to companies of which you are (or have been) a part?

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I think that the Transition ProbabilityMatrix had been something on which I had to put a lot of importance because it is really effective to learn and apply this theory in my future companies. It is important for me to understand that the organization in which I work has to be conducive enough so that I can grow as well as my organization can grow with employee retention and talent development. I have also learned that there must be efforts made by the HR managers and the functional managers to ensure that the working environment is as expected or above the expectations of each of the employees of the organization.